
Maxillary and facial growth is promoted by the forces the tongue exerts on the palate, breastfeeding promotes that early development naturally.

The tongue has a huge role to play in the development of the maxilla, as it acts as a natural expander. Early in life, tongue movements can be restricted due to having a tongue tie. Unfortunately, not all tongue ties are identified early enough, many are missed because they were not severe enough to be detected as a baby. Children with tongue tie restrictions might show symptoms like mouth breathing, snoring, teeth grinding, sleeping issues such as sweatiness, tossing and turning, drooling, these don’t disappear in adulthood, they worsen. Often tongue ties will relate to varying degrees of malocclusions, which are treated in many different ways and sometimes not at all.

Ankyloglossia is a condition where the lingual frena are too tight, thick or short and do not allow the tongue to move freely. In order to improve this restriction, the lingual frenum is incised to release the tongue through a procedure known as a lingual frenectomy. The earlier these restrictions are identified the better the outcomes in the long term, proper screening and treating of babies would have the best outcome as it will improve feeding and musculoskeletal development. For adults, deciding to go down the path of having a functional release is extremely important.

From a functional approach, orofacial myofunctional therapy (OMT) is advised before and after a frenectomy, to prepare the tissue through a series of exercises which increase tone and reduce scarring following the procedure.

It is important to be aware of the methods used to release a frenum and how well versed your health care provider is in the area of frenectomies or frenotomies. Having a good relationship among your health team is paramount to undergoing the procedure.

I will aim to provide orofacial myology services for babies in the future, meanwhile the exercise programs provided require compliance and co-operation. Early diagnosis of tongue ties is an important part in preventing and improving feeding, swallowing and breathing issues in babies, I will be happy to refer you to a local provider that focuses on infants.

It is also worth mentioning that not all clients with ties will need or want them to be released, in which case communicating with parents and health care providers becomes an important part in improving function.


Identifying orofacial myofunctional dysfunction (OMD’s) in childhood will help to reduce problems with speech, sleep apnea, caries and periodontal disease experience, crowded teeth, digestive issues and postural misalignment. Adults benefit from OMT by re-training muscles to improve sleeping, posture and breathing, thus achieving a much healthier life.


OMT and interceptive orthodontics can help and retrain the tongue and muscle position to deal with tongue thrust and possible relapse after the orthodontic treatment is completed.

Working in unison with airway conscious and functionality focused health care teams is an essential part of therapy.

Ready to begin your wellness journey?

MyoLogica OMT programs

Address adequate nasal breathing


Improve snoring/obstructive sleep apnea issues, help relieve bruxism & TMJ symptoms

8 week intensive OMT program prior to:

Tongue tie/lip release

Pre orthodontic phase prior to appliance use

Post surgical support following oral tethered tissue releases

Breathing, swallowing and lip seal to support orthodontic outcomes

Children, teenagers and adult programs


Thumb Sucking Quitters Club

Help your child conquer non nutritive habits such as digit sucking, pacifier dependence and/or object attachment, by promoting good dental, skeletal and muscular health.

By using positive reinforcement, we can help curb this habit in a supportive and fun way.

Suitable for children from 4 years of age, bespoke program to meet your child’s needs.